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Category: On the road

Travel updates and news. These will either be blogged from the road or at a later time when the photos have been processed.

White Rock beachcombing
April 19, 2006
On the road, Photoblogs
It was raining miserably when I hopped on the #351 bus in downtown Vancouver, bound for the great South. An hour later, however, when it dropped me off in the pleasant little town...
Sleepless in Vancouver ~
April 18, 2006
On the road
Hasn’t it been said that sleeping is dying a little? Well I guess it’s a good thing that I’ve been spending my last few nights up and about, then. Between the late evening...
Up Before the Sun
June 11, 2005
On the road, Photoblogs
Saturday morning, 5:00 am. I've been up for 3 hours already. Daylight has begun painting another steamy day and I'm hoping for a blazing red-ish sunrise through the morning...