The Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho is worth a few words of introduction. Completely landlocked within South Africa, the 30,000-km2 country is roughly the size of Belgium, or of the U.S. State of Maryland. Its lowest point is located at 1,400 meters above sea level and eighty percent of the country sits above 1,800 meters, inducing the possibility of snowfall all year-round on the highest peaks that culminate above 3,000 m. Lesotho’s two most significant and diametrically opposed resources are diamonds and water, the latter being mostly sold to South Africa. The country is plagued with typical third-world calamities such as a high occurrence of child labor and an HIV rate among the highest worldwide. Surprisingly, its literacy rate is one of the strongest in Africa, even though seventy five percent of the population is rural. But forty percent of these two million people live below the international poverty line of US $1.25 a day – Wikipedia dixit. I have also included photos of the South African part of the Drakensberg range for relevance. Story of the complete trip <a href="" title="Catwheels Over Lesotho">here</a>.