The city of Richmond lies south of Vancouver. It doesn’t have much going for itself. Flat, populated, and with an odd mixture of industrial and agricultural land, it’s a place that you won’t visit unless you have a purpose. That could be flying into the Vancouver Int’l Airport, which I’ve done, photographing the [[Yearly cranberry harvest]], which I’ve done too, visiting the Night Market, which, well, I’ve done again, or buying a generic digital camera battery, which I was just doing this week.
Built on the delta of the Fraser River, Richmond has a lot of bridges and the resulting traffic too. So after nearly missing my bus number two and arriving four minutes before closing time (finding a locked door against which I banged until someone came to inquire what the noise was all about), I decided to stop on one of those bridges and wait for sunset with HDR in mind. Yes, I had Abe, my camera, with me.