What does one do when the blues linger? Browse through old pictures, of course. This one dates back to 2003. Longitude: 80W. Latitude: 20N. Little Cayman island. Paradise Divers and Co. Good old times… Who are they? Probably the best friends I ever had. You know who you are, guys. I miss you all.
j'espère qu'ils visiteront ton site ces temps-ci.
Tu dois leur manquer autant qu'ils te manquent.
October 10, 2006
Hey V - thanks for posting the pic and also for the kind words. I REALLY miss working with you on Havana Daydreaming and Banana Wind as well as just hanging out at the Colonel's Quarters eating sushi and at the Iggy, SCC and LCBR. Maybe we will get a chance to do it again before Marc and Sabine leave! We should really go back to see Jerri and Mini-me before some fisherman catches them!!