Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Category: Photoblogs

Pictures worth a thousand images. The bulk of this blog, obviously. The best of these are featured on the main web site.

The Golden Hour
December 19, 2005
Granted, Vancouver in the winter gets her share of clouds and dull skies. But there are still sunny days of pure beauty and on those days, because of the sun's low path in the...
The colors of a city
December 14, 2005
No matter what time of the day, Vancouver shines. The first two shots were taken from the convenient front window of the Skytrain while I let my hand follow the ride...
Boats in the Fog - Burrard Inlet
December 12, 2005
I will soon be putting a new Vancouver photo gallery online. Until then, I'll post glimpses and previews of the ongoing work here, on the blog.Today Sunday, the fog rolled in...
Montreal - The tourist views
October 7, 2005
All right; standing on the edge of anarchy after my last post, I felt compelled to rectify my aim and fall back into the well behaved photographer groove. Here is the mediatic...