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Category: Vancouver

Tucked between ocean and mountains, Vancouver is one of the most extraordinary cities in the world. That’s all.

And magic followed
May 20, 2008
Always, HDR, Photoblogs, Vancouver
Heading north has always been the path to mystery, to silent eerie forests and shadow-filled canyons, to myths and legends beyond comprehension and to the cold bite of...
Culinarily thinking
May 14, 2008
Cool, Vancouver
Or better said, thinking with my stomach. Since it seems to be politically correct to do so, here are two of my recent crushes. First, there's the mighty So.Cial sandwich, 2...
What I Got Today
May 14, 2008
Always, Schtroumpfissime, Vancouver
Like many yesterdays, today was high in stress, exclamation points, shocking surprises - mostly bad, very serious setbacks, crises (that's a plural, mind you), dull rain, bad...
24 hours
May 7, 2008
Photoblogs, Vancouver
A few days ago, after working an entire night up in the Vancouver skies, I walked home around 4:00 am, following the madness south on Granville Street as clubbers were pouring...
A long overdue pilgrimage
April 21, 2008
Photoblogs, Vancouver
After bitterly complaining out loud that I never took the time to visit the seawall at sunset any more, I decided this week-end to break the vicious circle and having just come...