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Category: Photography

The dark side of the art, technical, geeky, obsessed, and ever so powerful.

Monochromatic seaside
August 24, 2010
On the road, Photoblogs, Photography
As a photographer, I am a child of the 21st century. I love color. I crave it. I couldn't be or do without it. So I tend to underexpose a touch and to slightly boost saturation,...
Long silence but...
August 3, 2010
Photography, Schtroumpfissime
Quite busy working these days, "métro, boulot, dodo" has never been more appropriate. So the time and energy to run around shooting like crazy have dropped a touch. I...
4th of July come and gone
July 7, 2010
New York, Panoramas, Photoblogs
I'm not one to celebrate nor appreciate National and Independence days much, whether a 4th of July, a 14th or a 1st. While people drink and party, I tend to ponder. It is so easy...
And... Action!
June 27, 2010
Bits and pieces, Photography, Videography
Below are the humbling results of my first video shoot with the Canon 7D. It's all quite laughable, really, since I am a complete amateur in this domain - and yet somehow, it...
Times Squared
June 10, 2010
New York, Panoramas, Photography
Here's the result of some playtime with the Canon 7D. It's a 360°x180° panorama of Times Square, played in Flash. Of course there's much room for improvement - I need to...