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Category: Photography

The dark side of the art, technical, geeky, obsessed, and ever so powerful.

East River Bridges - A 360 Panorama
December 9, 2010
HDR, New York, Panoramas
Here’s a 360° HDR panoramic shot of the East River Bridges seen from the tip of the new Brooklyn Bridge Park. Winter has arrived and the air was quite chilly on the East...
"Roasted in the Namib" is out!
December 2, 2010
Photography, Reviews
Introducing my new folly, Roasted in the Namib. In a bookstore-quality large landscape format (13x11 inches), the book features an 8 pt. black linen hardcover with color dust...
Rainbow time
November 24, 2010
Photography, Schtroumpfissime
The new hard drive arrived from Dell overnight as promised and I replaced it immediately. My Windows disc image functioned perfectly and I was able to restore my system to its...
North Cove Marina, Nighttime - HDR
October 8, 2010
New York, Photography
Still tapping into the same image bank, this time a later stitch of 3 bracketed shots. I seem to have shot at too low an f-stop and missed my lens' sweet spot: edge...
New Aerial Photography Gallery
September 21, 2010
Airborne, Photography, Web site news
Here's a sneak peek at the soon-to-be-implemented Aerial Photography gallery. Hover your mouse for controls. It features images from all kinds of previous galleries where they...