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Category: South Africa

Land of contrasts and incredible beauty. A privileged look at the Western Cape.

South African Flashes - Part 2
July 23, 2014
Photoblogs, Schtroumpfissime, South Africa
More flashbacks of Cape Town, monochrome this time as darkness is on the rise. But work will never be more than it is. Four letters, a pay check. It shouldn't, and doesn't, define...
South African Flashes
July 19, 2014
Always, Photoblogs, South Africa
With Marie spending some well deserved time down in Cape Town's peculiar winter, I am once again faced with a now familiar divergence of time and space. The short stories she...
Pilgrimage to Knysna
May 18, 2014
Always, Photoblogs, South Africa
In February of 2008, on my first visit to South Africa, Marie and I took off from Cape Town for a short road trip along the Garden Route and into the Little Karoo. Our wedding...
Happy Days!
April 15, 2014
Photoblogs, South Africa
Update: Bruce passed away seven months after I wrote this. RIP Chef Robertson. Scarborough is a tiny outpost on the Atlantic Coast, beyond Misty Cliffs, south of Cape...
Glimpses of a South African Winter
April 4, 2014
Photoblogs, South Africa
It was the chilly month of June, or wintertime in the southern hemisphere. The plane tree had stripped down to a bare minimum. Poppies were brought to the kitchen table. Flames...