Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Category: New York

Pandora’s box. Imagine a giant hand flipping the city upside down and shaking hard. These are the strange images that might fall off at random.

4th of July come and gone
July 7, 2010
New York, Panoramas, Photoblogs
I'm not one to celebrate nor appreciate National and Independence days much, whether a 4th of July, a 14th or a 1st. While people drink and party, I tend to ponder. It is so easy...
And New York sizzles...
July 6, 2010
New York, South Africa
While temperatures creep up and the Big Apple slowly fries under an unrelenting sun, the mercury having just busted a cruel 100°F (38°C) mark, it is sweet and a bit surreal to...
An afternoon on the Cape of Good Hope
July 1, 2010
New York, Photoblogs, South Africa
South of Cape Town, all the way down the Cape Peninsula, part of the Table Mountain National Park and next to Cape Point, is the famous Cape of Good Hope, southernmost part of the...
At the beach
June 20, 2010
New York, Photoblogs
It would seem the fantastic emerging art of DSLR videography is going to challenge conventional photographers on concentration and focus levels, if you'll pardon the pun. When I...
Iron men of Madison Square Park
June 16, 2010
New York, Photoblogs
They just are there. Some at ground level, others perched on rooftops. 31 of them. They stand and they stay and they stare out of empty eye sockets, looking right through the...
Sleepless in Manhattan
June 15, 2010
New York, Photoblogs
Wandering around Times Square after work on a Saturday night, in a futile attempt to unwind, summer morning hours ticking past two then three, jacket in one hand and camera in the...