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Category: Stories

I candidly love storytelling almost as much as I love photography, so time allowing and circumstances permitting, I sometimes indulge in a multi-part recount of a trip or adventure.

First Deep Solo
December 3, 2009
Cayman Islands, Club Med, Hydrosphere, Quotes, Stories
Solo dives were a scuba diving instructor’s privilege. On our rare days off, if bored on land, we could always go on a personal dive, une plongée perso’ as we called them -...
New York-Montreal on a tow truck
April 29, 2009
ICMU, Stories
Storytelling, as anybody who's ever attempted it knows so well, is much like painting your house - a matter of love and hate. A painful task if I ever knew one, long hours of...
An Intro to Night Diving
June 5, 2008
Cayman Islands, Cool, Hydrosphere, Little Cayman Chronicles, Stories
When you first jump in, you might as well have suddenly left the known universe behind and stepped into a mysterious black hole. If you're smart, your light is off; there is no...
The Flying Years
May 28, 2008
Airborne, Schtroumpfissime, Stories
Time has flown by, and flowed by too, like a fast river in search of its estuary. Mostly, it was about flying. We were young. We had nothing but the grandest dreams and our...
May 11, 2008
Club Med, On the road, Quotes, Stories
When the bus driver jabbers that he will have to stop at the Police Control, I immediately smell trouble. No stops have been planned and he should know that we have all the...