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Category: On the road

Travel updates and news. These will either be blogged from the road or at a later time when the photos have been processed.

Cape Ann birds
August 23, 2010
Fauna, On the road, Photoblogs
A short interlude while I'm working on a more picturesque rendition of Rockport... These tree swallows (ID?) were swirling in a dense flock around the Good Harbour Beach, which...
Bound for Rockport, MA
August 10, 2010
On the road, Schtroumpfissime
It's been almost twenty years since I've walked up and down the Bearskin Neck. Rockport, MA, used to be a quaint little fishing town, lazily asleep in the shadow of her big sister...
Moody Table Mountain
July 26, 2010
On the road, Photoblogs, South Africa
Not all is ever smooth and peachy with Cape Town's weather. Table Mountain acts as an incredible torturer of skies, focusing the impact of conflicting air masses and unleashing...