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Category: Bits and pieces

Computechnicogrammingalities. I find them, I use them, and I either love or hate them. So I write about them.

A new top menu for the blog!
September 14, 2009
Bits and pieces, Web site news
The most unrelenting readers among you might have noticed design fluctuations in the top part of the blog over the last three days. I apologize for the inconvenience; I was...
Skribit, or involving the reader
April 17, 2009
Bits and pieces, Web site news
By now you have probably noticed the new "Suggestion?" tab up on the left edge of the blog. It's the unobtrusive appendix of Skribit, a 2 year old web initiative that...
.htaccess hacked!
January 27, 2009
Bits and pieces, Web site news
Well it would seem I have just found the source of my troubles. I am hoping this was the only issue and crossing my fingers things have now been rectified. Time will tell.In a...