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Category: Bits and pieces

Computechnicogrammingalities. I find them, I use them, and I either love or hate them. So I write about them.

The beauty of MySQL REPLACE()
November 27, 2008
Bits and pieces, Web site news
For those of you who might have wondered where the pictures of old posts had gone recently, well, they were in server la-la land. I had forgotten to update my database table to...
And live we go...
November 24, 2008
Bits and pieces, Web site news
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - Ignition!Well, so to speak. The fireworks are inner ones. There's really nothing to brag about but I hope you'll enjoy the new look and streamlined...
Are we there yet?
November 23, 2008
Bits and pieces, Web site news
Saturday morning, 1:30 am. I wish I had a big black cat here to distract me from the computer and beg for pellets. Or its owner, to distract me from the computer and beg. ;-)...
November 21, 2008
Bits and pieces, Web site news
We are now in the final stages of a multiple countdown, the three main features of which being a trip (ours) to the antipodes, an interview (hers) with the foreign powers that...
New web site - Progress update
November 13, 2008
Bits and pieces, Web site news
Because I am neglecting this blog so badly and because hearing myself talk about it will encourage me to keep pushing forward, here's a brief update on the site redesign...
Latest news
October 31, 2008
Bits and pieces
No, the blog isn't dead. It hasn't even gone into hibernation. The reason for such blatant blogging inactivity on my part is a rather productive one: I am redesigning the web...