When one misses one, the only thing left to do is drinking hot apple cider while watching an amazing Christmas lights display twinkle in the fading dusk…
The place was Vancouver’s VanDusen Botanical Garden. The event, of course, was the 2007 Festival of Lights. The one being missed was safely asleep 16,000 km away in the opposite hemisphere.
It always amazes me when, despite the ugliness we showcase as a race, a small group of people manages to focus on beauty alone and turn it into profit. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Profiting from evil is just that, evil. Profiting from beauty is smart. Artists have, from immemorial times. I intend to do the same. As long as profit only serves the just cause of happiness…
Merry Christmas to you all, and paix sur la terre aux hommes de bonnes volonté.
Bunny? I wish you’d been there! :-)