Truth be told, there was only so much I could tweak while the old dark look remained active, so I have now pulled the curtain up on the new white skin.
Much remains to be adjusted, but in an almost agile development style – even though I am a one-man team, I will release frequent updates and fine-tune it all as I go. I promise.
The three components of my phenomenal online presence (this blog Coriolistic Anachronisms, Vincent Mounier Photography and the Print Shop) have received their matching logo. There’s a bit of a story behind it, as well as much improvisation.
It starts with three pyramids, symbolized as triangles: ▼▲▼. I like pyramids, they are easier to draw than open boas or baobabs, they are stable, everlasting and mythical, and yet they can be flipped upside down and balanced on their narrow tip, and then everything hangs by a thread.
The pyramids actually outline the main website’s initials, Vincent Mounier Photography, further referred to as VMP, or ▼▲▼ . in Elvish runes
Finally, we have the three elements dearest to me, the sky and flying, left, with an aircraft silhouette, then mountains and nature in the middle, and finally the ocean, diving and yes, it is a shark.
Next, I will overlay a short guided tour to highlight the main new tricks of the blog’s interface.
So stay tuned. This is work in progress, extra features will appear.
For now, life goes on. New skin, same old stuff.
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