A Vincent Mounier Photography Blog
Mission accomplie
September 1, 2005
Voilà, la deuxième édition des Aventures d'un GO désorganisé est achevée! Quelques erreurs de typo corrigées, une légère remise en page, ajout de deux cartes des régions visitées, une nouvelle couverture, mais le principal demeure. Un immense merci à mes deux correctrices dont la patience et l’expertise m’auront été d’un secours inégalable ! Mais êtes-vous certaines que « scandale » et « sandale » ne sont pas le même mot?
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Deuxième édition
August 27, 2005
Mille remerciements à mes premiers lecteurs qui ont déniché quelques erreurs dans la première édition des Aventures d’un GO désorganisé. Je procède en ce moment à une mise à jour et la deuxième édition sera disponible d’ici quelques jours !
"Les aventures d'un GO désorganisé" self-published!
August 15, 2005
Well, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. More than ten years after I started writing it, my first book is finally available for purchase! It hasn't been easy, and after hitting a brick wall with classic publishers, I decided to turn to the self-publishing avenue. Of course this brings up new obstacles since I'm using a US based on-demand publishing service for a book that is written in French and intended for a French speaking audience. But such are the necess...
Overhaul Complete!
July 29, 2005
All the photo galleries as well as the Digital Arts section have now been completely re-done. Bug reports welcome!
The West Coast Gallery Is Online!
July 28, 2005
I'm still debugging here and there after having decided to implement the use of cookies to compensate for HTML's inability (or would it be mine?) to pass along variables from one page to another in order to keep track of which photo is being viewed and to allow the thumbnails as a navigation tool... All and all, it seems to be running smoothly. The gallery is accessible via the main Photography menu above, or right here. Enjoy!
Throwing Fish
July 27, 2005
One of the highlights of a visit to the famous Public Market in downtown Seattle is Pike Place Fish Market, where "fish throwing" is the method for sending customer's picks from the front display to the cashier. Notice the King Salmon in mid-air...[As always, click to enlarge]
We went, we saw, we wanna go back
July 27, 2005
Nine days might be enough to visit le Louvre, to explore a city or to write a poem. It just doesn't do the Northwest justice. We barely scratched the surface, we ricochet-ed (sic) like stones on water from gorgeous forests to beautiful cities. 1700 miles driven, 500 pictures taken. Washington and Oregon are awesome, but Vancouver might have stolen our hearts. Here are a few glimpses of the area. The new gallery will be up and running shortly with 50 more.
With a little help from my friends...
July 15, 2005
If I think really hard, I guess I can remember being called a geek a few times for spending entire nights at the computer, fine-tuning little details that will never matter to anybody else but me. But the truth is, the only thing I know for sure is that I know next to nothing. So fine-tuning this blog has been an ongoing project for months, and now thanks to Serendipity's mighty Garvin, a new issue was just resolved and I am a tiny bit wiser. Such a tiny bit. ;-)Any way...
The photo galleries are getting an overhaul
July 14, 2005
It was about time! I've finally decided to address the look and feel of the galleries, a task that I had been putting off for too long...
As of now, the Dust and Red Rocks, Below the Surface, Growing Wings and Traveling Colors galleries have been completely re-designed and augmented. Then I created a new gallery called Lake Superior with a collection of pictures that appeared here in the blog.
As soon as I come back from the West Coast, towards the end of the month, th...
Tomagine - Die Liebenden
July 8, 2005
Who never looked up at the clouds as a kid and imagined seeing the moving shapes of dragons and monsters? Tom caught a glimpse of a dragon's antithesis. Have a look!