A Vincent Mounier Photography Blog
Biltong Recovery
February 14, 2012
As Marie, sender of the goodies below, is flying at 35,000 feet across not-always-so-quiet Southern African skies just below the speed of sound, on her way to Amsterdam for a few hours layover and then a great circle hop across the Northern Atlantic back home, I am continuing the Biltong Experiment.
It's not looking so good. Mold fungi, it appears, is long lived.
It all started months ago with Marie's blessed obsession. Since I had not been able to make it down to So...
Schizophrenic New York
February 11, 2012
Not having had much luck with my recent photographic wanderings but wishing to post something, I found myself browsing through past shoots that never made it to the blog, for lack of time or interest.
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn
Browsing, however, is a fine perspective restorer. There I was, looking at dozens if not hundreds of pictures that shared not an iota of common pedigree, and yet, they were all taken within New York City's Five Boroughs.
So here's a potpourri...
Flushing Queens, out of the Other Chinatown
February 3, 2012
Now that I've got the attention of all of you non-New Yorkers out there, let me explain: this post isn't about anything else than, yes, the other Chinatown. You see, we have two. Chinatown's, I mean.
One, as we all know, is located in Manhattan and infested with tourists and rats. The other, however, only gets the rats. Fear not, In New York we do share our rats equally, and they can be found just about anywhere. Tourists, on the other hand, follow the signs. And it so ...
Jamaica Bay in a Hazy Shade of Winter*
January 26, 2012
I was out on winter park photography assignment for my favorite writer who was unable to attend and shoot her own stunning pictures, and my hesitant steps eventually took me back to Gateway National Recreation Area's Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Yes, this is in New York. In Queens, to be precise.
The city had finally scored a modest first snowfall of the year. Short of digging an igloo for my cat in the snow-covered terrace as I had done the previous year, I decided to...
Of a Day Long Gone, and Ever so Present
January 24, 2012
Once in a while, blog posts become self-centric. I apologize. Writing a blog is often akin to talking out loud, to one's self.
The date was January 24th, 2008.
"It was a lovely day of breaking the rules, of throwing preconceived ideas into the wind, of going back to the source, of shaving the unnecessary, of looking deep inside instead of out, of holding a single hand rather than many, of spending time with angels, of walking barefoot when shoes are in order, of wear...
One Small Step for the Anti-SOPA Movement, One Giant Leap for Social Activism
January 19, 2012
Four and a half million signatures collected in a day by Google on their online petition against SOPA. One hundred and sixty two million visitors reached by the Wikipedia's 24 hour blackout. Add at least three and a half additional visitors reached by my own efforts.
Yesterday marked a small move forward against an opponent that is likely to recoil, wait and strike again, having the budget to do so.
Still. This was a very promising exercise in what I would call socia...
Chinatown, a Night, a Mood
January 19, 2012
My official excuse was a 'pork bun' supply run to a small joint I sadly didn't photograph but which will definitely have to make it in here at some point - because their buns simply rock.
The photo gear had been logged from home to work in the morning and back out into the twilight once I'd freed myself from a desk's gravitational pull.
Going into the evening, a look back at daylight
The real drive, however, had been a mood. A deep, unspoken, underlying sorrow. Berc...
A Pre-SOPA Blackout Effort Against Internet Dictatorship
January 17, 2012
Starting this Wednesday January 18th and possibly again in the future, you might visit this blog and find it partially blacked out.
This will not be due to a technical glitch but rather to a voluntary gesture of support to the growing movement opposing SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, a U.S. initiative aimed at doing much more to the Internet than its title claims by actually breaching the First Amendment and restraining freedom of speech and other essential rights, es...
Portraits of a Man and a Cat
January 15, 2012
Stranded in New York and missing the Wooman, we occupy ourselves posing for the camera, going to the vet and blogging. Day in, day out.
To put things in perspective, these were shot recently on the Jersey City expedition afternoon. January 7th, 2012. 17ºC in the middle of winter. A few days later, the mercury was dipping below freezing. Today was -15ºC with windchill. Strange times.
Your humble Smoothman
Don Estorbo de la Bodega Dominicana
Summer in January, it must have been Jersey City - Part II
January 13, 2012
Well, here are the old, the odd and the ugly. I might have exaggerated a little bit with my adjectives, but the theme is catchy and I think I am going to re-use it, or even turn it into a category of its own. In any case, this is the other side of Jersey City.
Summer in January, it must have been Jersey City - Part I
January 10, 2012
Last week-end, daydreaming of adventure but temporarily unable to explore the beautiful Southern Hemisphere Silvermine that I miss so much, I figured I would do the next best thing and venture into Wild Wild West. I took the less traveled Path under the Hudson River and emerged in Jersey City. It was January 7th, the heart of our winter.
Lower Manhattan skyline seen from Jersey City
After a few minutes of walking outside along an all-new waterfront, sweating in the sun...
Two Bridges Across the East River
January 4, 2012
Being hardcore Brooklynites, Marie and I have a hard time admitting that anywhere else in New York can match our views, our parks and our waterfront.
Looking back at the Lower Manhattan from the new South Street Seaport space
Yet walking north from Manhattan's Battery Park along the East River, I recently had a couple of good surprises. The first was finally visiting the freshly opened museum-adjacent area right next to our infamous South Street Seaport. While the main...