There are a few brilliant people out there who turn word patterns into insightful art. For instance, here’s what my blog looks like nowadays as seen by Wordle. Their size is proportional to their importance, i.e. frequency.
There’s also Tagxedo that does it even more artistically, and seems to be using another algorithm, hence the different result.
These are just fun! Templates are fully customizable; you can play with font, colors and shapes. You can submit either plain text or point the script to a RSS feed, perfect for a blog like mine. I temporarily changed my feed settings to display 100 entries but only Tagxedo seems to reflect that. Wordle stubbornly studies only the most recent entries, making it a better choice to evaluate trends on a short term basis.
This is what it would look like without excluding common English words…
But I started all this in a very serious effort to gauge my blog and evaluate its content. To see where I have been going for a while and decide whether I like it or not. One of the lessons learned here is that photography-related topics aren’t as high on the list as I had thought they would be. Here’s what my Canon 7D review looked like:
So where do I go from here? I think I will try to refocus the blog towards photography. I might re-activate the Skribit widget for a while to take posting suggestions, which are always welcome…