One had to be there to believe it. This season has been all over the place but we have got to be shattering records. I never thought I would be sweating on a late afternoon run into dusk, on Christmas Eve, in New York City.

The photos are my phone’s – mea culpa – and the hand was hurried and not always so steady.

So here is the proof, even though I could not get my app to show the date – No less than 22°C or 72°F!

To be clear, I have not suddenly opened a fountain of narcissistic selfie creativity but I figured I might have to convince a few skeptics that this was indeed occurring today and the shorts were real. No idea why I look so exhausted, I was only half-way into my 12.5 kilometer run. I guess staring at the camera worries me.

A proof by the Hudson – no I’m not crying, it’s theatrical genius
Beautiful sunset over Jersey
Beautiful sunset over Jersey 2

Christmas decorations were omnipresent, but the place below decided to go against the flow with a typically tropical scene.

World Financial Center

Every joint with the ability to improvise or resuscitate a terrace did so, attracting customers who could not believe they were shedding layers when they had hoped for snow.

Terraces sprouting on sidewalks
The air felt like a cool and damp summer evening

Back in Brooklyn, Court Street’s decorations were trying hard not to seem out of place.

Court Street

And on our street, there must have been so many disappointed children.

Where is the snow?

So while I am at it, Merry Christmas or Whatever Celebration you choose, and may you find deep inside a joyous, rebellious source of happiness and excitement. And share it with loved ones. There are only so many days in a life.