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Month: December 2006

Tidal pulls
December 30, 2006
Photoblogs, Schtroumpfissime, Vancouver
The jazzy music is soothing, pulling me away from the pain inside. Louis Armstrong is seeing bright blessed days and dark sacred nights and we’re thinking to ourselves. Behind...
In between
December 29, 2006
Artists, rather than wasting their imagination tackling futile questions, use it to invent and create, thus standing between question and answer. The question is, am I an artist?...
Imagination: gift or curse?
December 22, 2006
"I wonder..." I'd have to say that this basic thought defines, by itself and in two simple words, the essence of mankind. Tada!Not convinced? Think about it for a...
I stand corrected
December 20, 2006
Well donc, j’ai reçu une réplique fort pertinente et judicieuse à mon post intitulé "Farewell to the Year", lequel, semble-t-il, aura paru à certains un rien...
Stanley Park Mortally Wounded
December 19, 2006
Photoblogs, Vancouver
Clearly, Mother Nature hasn’t yet exhausted her fury. The first two months of this winter season have already gone down in history, and the madness seems far from over. After...