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Category: Always

Chronicles of the Extraordinary. The tale of a never-ending journey, for two.

March 4, 2020
Airborne, Always, New York, South Africa
So high above all the rampant worry and fear, aboard the smart Airbus 350-900 of a struggling South African Airways, cutting across the Gulf of Guinea towards the equator and a...
Happy Birthday Ntiniwe!
March 2, 2019
Always, New York, On the road
"What on Earth were you both doing drinking Champagne at night in the car, parked on the street a block from home?" you might ask. A weird picnic? Better. A celebration. One...
Two Worlds
January 10, 2019
Airborne, Always, New York, South Africa
High and low, near and far, micro and macro, slow and fast, grounded and aloft, threatened and free, orange and green, these opposites illustrate the complex tangle of our present...
A Decade Passed, Long Live the Decade!
January 24, 2018
Always, South Africa
It was a lovely day of breaking the rules, of throwing preconceived ideas into the wind, of going back to the source, of shaving the unnecessary, of looking deep inside instead of...
Never Say Never
July 27, 2017
Always, New York
... As for your interest being purely theoretical, never say never: I have a feeling the only way to photograph a backlit saucisson on a 12.5 x 5.5 foot terrace would be to use...