Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Category: Quotes

Hunting for a glimpse of genius in the words of others. No better time to remember that words are ideas, and ideas are things.

A Little Computer Engineering Magic
August 22, 2015
New York, Quotes, Science
I was recently reading an article about emerging processors, those mini-brains at the heart (yes I intended the anatomically incorrect metaphor) of all computers including the...
The Promise of Many Miles and Much Dust
May 3, 2013
Kruger Trip, On the road, Quotes
Once again, with the help of many, we will soon hit the road and eat some dust. A 5,000 kilometer round-trip at the wheel of the good old Toyota Landcruiser V8 Turbo Diesel will...
TechCrunch Acquired by AOL
September 30, 2010
Quotes, Web winks
"On a final note, I don’t want to get all teary-eyed here, but the best comment I ever saw on TechCrunch was years ago in response to when I quipped something like 'This...
Volar al horizonte
August 6, 2010
Quotes, Schtroumpfissime
When coming back from a meaningless, stressful and unrewarding workday, I go running my 10k Manhattan loop, come back to a wonderful home and dinner in the making, the cat...
First Deep Solo
December 3, 2009
Cayman Islands, Club Med, Hydrosphere, Quotes, Stories
Solo dives were a scuba diving instructor’s privilege. On our rare days off, if bored on land, we could always go on a personal dive, une plongée perso’ as we called them -...
To be pondered...
May 27, 2009
What a folly it is to dread the thought of throwing away life at once, and yet have no regard to throwing it away by parcels and piecemeal. John Howe ...