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Author: Vince

Stormy Brooklyn Rooftops - Part 2
August 1, 2009
New York
Incredible skies continue, night after night, ever-changing, mesmerizing. This one required use of the fire escape hatch to access the roof and face towards the city, the show...
Stormy Brooklyn rooftops
July 27, 2009
New York
One area in which the East Coast buries the Pacific Northwest is storms. I've seen more interesting clouds in my 2 weeks here than I had in months of Vancouver's rather laid back...
What it's all about
July 22, 2009
Being able to enjoy this moment without the dreadful knowledge that a plane ride is about to dilute it with 5000 km of loneliness. There's a certain je ne sais quoi to a...
Running New York: First Blood
July 21, 2009
New York, Running
I have long known - and dreaded - the unavoidable fact that after three-and-a-half years of running along Vancouver's Seawall, Montreal and the Big Apple would pose some serious...