Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

South Africa, a Beach
March 23, 2008
Always, On the road, Photoblogs, South Africa
It was summertime by 33 degrees south latitude and 18 degrees east longitude, but on that day, a howling wind from the southeast sprayed the coastline with a winter coating. Sand...
A night in Prince Albert
March 23, 2008
Always, On the road, Photoblogs, South Africa
Picture the middle of nowhere. Then move away from it, slightly. Turn around and face sideways. Look behind you. Blink. Look again. You're there. It's Prince Albert, Karoo. South...
National anthem of the lobotomized
March 23, 2008
Sans armes, ni haine, ni violence, Schtroumpfissime
May tainted blood Water our fields! And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there Let us band together, We...
Interlude: a Vartiflette Recipe
March 22, 2008
Cuisine Savoyarde is among my favorite on Earth. Rich, thick, tasteful, cheese-based, it makes for perfect meals at the end of a long mountain climbing day. To really enjoy it,...
Pain and Running: a Love Story
March 21, 2008
Running, Schtroumpfissime
I had an itch.* Granted I've never been much of a long distance runner. I get bored. Anything over an hour and my mind starts yawning or focusing on unnecessary things like the...
They must know something we don't
March 19, 2008
Always, ICMU, Sketches & Cartoons
As Marie was mentioning it, linking to this interesting article of the New York Times, the bees must know something... Here's my interpretation of it:They're bailing before it's...