Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

August 18, 2007
Always, Schtroumpfissime
Midnight, ultimate frontier between now and then, between what was and what could be, is standing in precarious balance at the top of the dial, an instant frozen in the eternity...
The run about
August 16, 2007
Always, ICMU, Stories
For Marie My latent adrenaline level has been shooting through the roof lately, somewhere around 7.5 on the Richter scale which is already quite a shock for the system as a short...
2007 Perseids - Or lack thereof
August 14, 2007
Bits and pieces, Photoblogs
Last night was the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. Legacy of the Swift-Tuttle comet, the Perseids are supposed appear in the Perseus constellation, hence their name, and a...
Slices of life
August 13, 2007
Always, Schtroumpfissime
The Yaletown coffee shop is crowded on this Sunday afternoon. People are laughing happily. The coffee grinder is buzzing, the steamer hissing and the blender spinning loudly....
Eyes turned skywards
August 10, 2007
Airborne, Photoblogs, Schtroumpfissime, Vancouver
The sky is an old friend. We go way back. We’ve shared a lot. Happy endings, for sure, but storms too, and utter disappointments. And the dreams… They are born inside my mind...
A essay on reading
August 10, 2007
Read as if you were singing. Words have a sound and a story to tell. They can be music to the inner ear and they can charm an audience. But they must be savoured. Most of our...