Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Good old Citroën
March 2, 2006
Here's a funny commercial for the new Citroën C4, using urban Vancouver scenery. It is filmed from the top of the post office building and clearly visible in the background are...
La charue avant les boeufs
March 1, 2006
Today a cover caught my attention in a bookstore window. It read something like "The top 100 world wonders to see before you die". Right next to it, another one said...
Fate as a tree
February 27, 2006
"No fate", carved Sarah Connor unconsciously on a piece of wood in Terminator 2. It might be a cheesy classic to quote from, but it sure addresses one of the biggest...
Nothing at all
February 20, 2006
Sitting deep inside the Trees café on Granville, with a warm smoking coffee next to the computer, it’s almost possible to forget there is a world out there. The music is...
Up in the mountains
February 18, 2006
Yesterday Friday, Vancouverites were granted with yet another one of those perfect crystal clear days; bright sunshine, crisp cool air and blue skies forever. May all those who...