I don’t know about you but I am hot. Suddenly, I miss the trade winds’ cooling effect and I long for a salty wave to splash me or – let’s think local – for a bright autumn leaf to caress my cheek on its slow fall from a sighing tree to stunning, ephemeral parterres.

So as New York prepares for a seasonal sizzle, air conditioners cranking up everywhere and releasing even more heat, the city’s innumerable engines roaring and spitting out evil gases in a humid air mass that struggles to clean itself up, I cheated and prepared this shot of Marie’s most recent Prospect Park Litter Mob (which was just written up in the New York Times), with a nostalgic twist. May summer be clement and yield to a long and colorful fall.

Prospect Park Litter Mob, May 24th, 2011 – The Fall Illusion