Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Iron men of Madison Square Park
June 16, 2010
New York, Photoblogs
They just are there. Some at ground level, others perched on rooftops. 31 of them. They stand and they stay and they stare out of empty eye sockets, looking right through the...
Sleepless in Manhattan
June 15, 2010
New York, Photoblogs
Wandering around Times Square after work on a Saturday night, in a futile attempt to unwind, summer morning hours ticking past two then three, jacket in one hand and camera in the...
Times Squared
June 10, 2010
New York, Panoramas, Photography
Here's the result of some playtime with the Canon 7D. It's a 360°x180° panorama of Times Square, played in Flash. Of course there's much room for improvement - I need to...
Introducing the new Canon 7D
June 9, 2010
Photography, Reviews, Videography
After Abe and Abetoo, my first two Digital Rebel DSLR's, I am pleased to announce the arrival of Abegone, Canon 7D, fierce beauty and strong contender in the field of cropped...