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Author: Vince

Moody Table Mountain
July 26, 2010
On the road, Photoblogs, South Africa
Not all is ever smooth and peachy with Cape Town's weather. Table Mountain acts as an incredible torturer of skies, focusing the impact of conflicting air masses and unleashing...
Brooklyn rooftop picnics
July 20, 2010
New York, Photoblogs
The terrace is beautiful and lush, but its 66 square feet don't allow for much movement or lookout. At dinner, crossing my legs is a challenge and the Japanese grass keeps...
The FIFA World Cup ends on a flop
July 11, 2010
Sans armes, ni haine, ni violence, South Africa
If anyone wants to know what I think, bad football was played today in Jo'Burg, between two teams that did not show World Cup final flare. Nothing impressive, no brilliant moves,...
4th of July come and gone
July 7, 2010
New York, Panoramas, Photoblogs
I'm not one to celebrate nor appreciate National and Independence days much, whether a 4th of July, a 14th or a 1st. While people drink and party, I tend to ponder. It is so easy...