Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Kindness ~
July 23, 2006
I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do, let me do it now, as I shall not pass this way again.Stephen...
The colors of Victoria
July 19, 2006
Monday was "Do the tourist thing" day. Courtesy of the fine folks at Landsea Tours, S. and I went for a day excursion to Victoria, the pampered way. Leaving at 8:00 am...
To Provoke or React?
July 19, 2006
Bits and pieces, Schtroumpfissime
Recently reading a post in French by migrating miss lulu where she rightfully expressed puzzlement at hearing Zidane’s speech and the way he sort of justified his move in light...
The Man with a Question
July 19, 2006
Photoblogs, Vancouver
A few early stars are already shimmering in the abyssal-blue Eastern sky, while to the west the ashes of a stunning sunset still glow within a distant high altitude cloud...
Panoramic view from the Lions ~
July 16, 2006
I have finally posted the new panoramic view from the Lions in the Panoramic Gallery 2.Update: as of 10-12-08, the web site has been redesigned and the panos galleries are no...