Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

In the Lions Den
June 22, 2006
On the road, Photoblogs, Vancouver
When I got up at 6:00 am, I rushed out of the house to look north at the mountains. The sky was blue above me but a layer of low clouds topped the entire Coast Mountains and the...
Anthology of deserts
June 18, 2006
They are dry and cruel, and merciless. They know no boundaries.When I think of deserts, my mind fills with sand, stones, heat and hopes for survival. I picture snakes, scorpions...
Serendipity 1.0 finally released!
June 17, 2006
Bits and pieces
These are busy days and as always when I run out of time, the most important things suffer. So I haven't played with my camera nor written anything decent in a while. But I am...
Running to a Grinding Halt
June 11, 2006
Cool, Running, Vancouver
It’s popular, and infamous. It’s in, hip and fashionable. It’s crowded. It’s steep. It’s mean. It’ll kill you if it can. It’s Vancouver’s baby. It’s the Grouse...
Acting life away
June 10, 2006
She’s wearing tight bleached jeans tucked into cowboy boots, walks fast on wide strides of her short legs and then stands at the counter of a coffee shop with her feet far...