Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Quotes of the day
October 11, 2005
ICMU, Quotes
"Use the best: Linux for servers, Mac for graphics, Windows for Solitaire." "At the age of twelve, I began hustling newspapers like many other great Americans had done. The...
Firefox Rocks!
October 10, 2005
Reviews, Web winks
I've been using the very stable newest beta version of Firefox (1.5 Beta 2) for a few days now and more than ever love my browser. The final release of version 1.5 is expected...
Montreal - The tourist views
October 7, 2005
All right; standing on the edge of anarchy after my last post, I felt compelled to rectify my aim and fall back into the well behaved photographer groove. Here is the mediatic...
October 7, 2005
Why always be neat and picky about our photography? Yeah sure, I usually consider the rule of thirds to be my bible and spend an eternity refining my angles and framing and light...
New skin for the blog
October 5, 2005
Bits and pieces
The new blog look is a result of an experiment conducted way too late at night... It isn't final but reflects the emerging tendency to adopt lighter tones for the site. [To be...
The Magic of Lanterns
October 4, 2005
Every year in fall, the Montreal Botanical Garden hosts "The Magic of Lanterns", a dazzling exposition of lighted hand-made paper sculptures in the finest Chinese...