Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Tomagine - Die Liebenden
July 8, 2005
Who never looked up at the clouds as a kid and imagined seeing the moving shapes of dragons and monsters? Tom caught a glimpse of a dragon's antithesis. Have a...
July 3, 2005
It must be a cataclysm! I suddenly wake up at the terrifying clash of thunder and the roaring furry of a thousand galloping horses right above my head.But then the blurry haze of...
Missing the Sea
June 26, 2005
Hydrosphere, Schtroumpfissime
I sleep poorly at night, bothered by the mortuary stillness of my bed and unable to repress the memory of gently rocking seas. When my eyes linger on the horizon, there’s always...