Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Bo-Kaap Colors and Sounds
January 4, 2015
South Africa
It was close to departure. Time was running out. Deep into the complex systems of South African Airways, digits were flicking and a plane had been dispatched to fetch us (or so...
Aerial Thoughts, Lost in the View
December 27, 2014
Airborne, South Africa
A bump. Just a bit above the equator, we were skimming the coast of Liberia at thirty-eight thousand feet. It was a precocious two thirty in the morning, Cape Town time....
So Near And Yet So Far
December 19, 2014
South Africa
This was taken in the Bo-Kaap, a colorful Cape Town neighborhood, during a street celebration. I'll post more later. For now, take us to warp, Mr. Sulu. Waiting to join the...
Flying East, Sinking South
December 3, 2014
Always, New York, South Africa
It has been a rough and challenging ride. The journey is far from over. With a thousand memories of a cat clashing daily with a million bits of reality, there are still hurdles,...
Godspeed 'Storbie
November 17, 2014
Always, Fauna, New York
I will post more about that exceptional cat when I have pieced my heart together. For now, I'll again let Tolkien do the talking, it's so much easier. Marie and I just left...
I Did Nothing
November 12, 2014
New York, Schtroumpfissime
Thinking back to the Cuban refugees, I have also been pondering our own situation these days and past. Sure, Marie and I have been living our lives for years like Formula One...