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Category: Vancouver

Tucked between ocean and mountains, Vancouver is one of the most extraordinary cities in the world. That’s all.

Painted sky
August 25, 2007
Photoblogs, Vancouver
The Seawall was quiet despite the striking animation present at the bottom of Denman and Davie, less than a kilometer to the east. I had initially setup the tripod down on the...
Eyes turned skywards
August 10, 2007
Airborne, Photoblogs, Schtroumpfissime, Vancouver
The sky is an old friend. We go way back. We’ve shared a lot. Happy endings, for sure, but storms too, and utter disappointments. And the dreams… They are born inside my mind...
Vancouver's Celebration of Light
July 29, 2007
ICMU, Vancouver
A very small boy carrying a huge piece of driftwood creeps by in the darkness, the end of his load barely missing the tripod on which thrones Abe. She must shiver at the thought...
Invisible Light of the Deepest Nights
July 26, 2007
Photoblogs, Photography, Vancouver
It’s 2:30 am. All cats are gray and people are few. The streets are wet and shiny from hours of rain, but for the time being only a fine mist fills the air; it feels almost as...
Of sunsets and mankind
July 15, 2007
HDR, Photoblogs, Schtroumpfissime, Vancouver
There's a lot more to sunset than meets the eye. From immemorial times, mankind has watched sunsets with a twinge of the heart and a sigh, while sunrises were left alone and...