This was put together with old test clips shot with the GoPro while going to work or wandering around the city, and some recent footage from our Catskills drive. The NYC clips are anachronistic and the technique is shaky. I’m trying to get used to both the GoPro and the 6D and 7D. Surprisingly for its size, the GoPro is sharper, and I have not even touched 4K. Pardon the amateurish result, one must start somewhere…
Once in the Catskills, the stream’s current was relatively strong despite the season, and I had trouble steadying the camera at the end of my pole. And unfortunately, apart from the tiny fish (maybe a juvenile trout) that zips through one of the shots, no one was home underwater. Regardless, the results are promising and I promise to put the GoPro to good use one of these days.
Natasha V