A Vincent Mounier Photography Blog

Night on the Bear Grouse Mountain
October 23, 2006
Yes, the title of this post was a direct allusion to Modest Mussorgsky's Night on the Bare Mountain, but since Grouse has bears, I figured... Ok, it might have been a little "tiré par les cheveux"...In any case, we took a chance - leaving Vancouver late at the end of a cloudy day. But by the time we were riding the Blue Skyride up, clouds were gone from the mainland and barely clinging to the mountain slopes, where they didn't stay long. Gorgeous sunset as usua...
Visit to the Bloedel Conservatory
October 21, 2006
Question: What do the following creatures have in common?Answer: They are all above me in the great evolution scheme and I respect them for their superiority, like a soldier respects a general. Why? They all have wings and I don't! ;-)[As usual, click on the images to start the slideshow and use N for next and P for previous]
Fall colors in Vancouver
October 19, 2006
Having mentioned in an earlier post that the colors of fall were not in Vancouver what they are in the East, I then decided to prove myself wrong. I didn’t have to go very far. The trees lining my own street were quite nice already. Then there was John Hendry Park and Trout Lake, a few blocks away. There was the southeastern end of Stanley Park, and even Butzen lake, across from Deep Cove on the right side of Indian Arm. But I found the most mesmerizing colors at the VanDu...
Geeky Toys
October 17, 2006
There are quite a few fantastic toys keeping me busy these days. First there's Timothy Farrar's FFDD5 set of scripts and actions for the digital darkroom. I'm experimenting with simple sets of 3 bracketed RAW exposures and blending them into an HDR digital negative that I can then develop to my taste. The results are much more natural-looking than with Photomatix, for instance. And for inspiration, I go browse through the Farrar's stunning photo galleries. Then there's ...
Stanley Park Chickadees
October 16, 2006
A few days ago, while strolling around Beaver Lake in Stanley Park, I felt the slight brush of a feather against my head. Surprised, I looked up and realized a cute little bird was dive-bombing at me. I assumed I was getting too close to his nest and to avoid worrying the little guy, I walked away. But then from another direction, another attack. That's odd, I thought. They must all be nesting in the fall.The crazy idea of catching a shot of one of them in flight as they w...
The crafter
October 13, 2006
He sits in the darkness of a dying day, thoughtfully smoking as his thoughts wander away. The smoke lingers around him in thick volutes like fog banks in a deep valley. He is getting old. When he became an apprentice, so many years ago, it seemed as though the Art was so complex and mysterious that he would never learn it. But now practicing his craft has become like talking with an old friend, exchanging secrets and sharing moods. He is on his way to becoming a Master, ho...
About friends
October 9, 2006
What does one do when the blues linger? Browse through old pictures, of course. This one dates back to 2003. Longitude: 80W. Latitude: 20N. Little Cayman island. Paradise Divers and Co. Good old times... Who are they? Probably the best friends I ever had. You know who you are, guys. I miss you all.
Yearly cranberry harvest
October 9, 2006
The colors of fall in BC are not those of the East. Trees do their best to change foliage, but with so many evergreens around, it’s a loosing battle. There are, however, other treats to be found by curious eyes. Autumn is cranberry harvest time, BC being the second biggest cranberry producer in North America. Cranberries are cultivated mostly in Richmond where the close proximity of the Fraser River allows massive use of water. The cranberries are grown in large fields...
The Richmond Night Market is over
October 6, 2006
This Sunday was the season’s last evening of the Richmond Night Market. Kuan, Silvia and I set out on a long bus ride to southern Richmond and along with thousands of people, we spent a chilly evening strolling down the brightly lit market aisles.The big winner of the excursion was an amazing Chinese mango roll, which we had to sample three times. Why do we ever find the best dishes in the most faraway places?
Lost in the old forest
October 4, 2006
I've left the main road behind me and each step I take carries me a little deeper into the forest. The air is humid and much cooler now, smelling of needle trees and berries. Moss is everywhere, blanketing the ground and tree stumps under a soft green cover. The giant trees, hundreds of years old, are towering high above me and keeping the path in a deep shade despite the late afternoon sun shinning in the automn sky.I haven't met a soul since I ventured into the forest ...