Loading Coriolistic Anachronisms

Author: Vince

Sunset Over the Klein River Estuary
March 2, 2011
Photoblogs, South Africa
Once in a while - not so often, sadly, but enough to make it addictive - we find ourselves in a place that completely overwhelms our senses and suddenly, a sharp dividing line is...
Walker Bay Nature Reserve
February 27, 2011
Photoblogs, South Africa
A few kilometers down from the Stanford house, on a very narrow sandy track through dry vegetation, we found an isolated section of the Walker Bay Nature Reserve. The beach was...
Birdwatching in Stanford, South Africa
February 24, 2011
Fauna, Photoblogs, South Africa
The generous invite from Chris and Tracy had actually been received half a world away on a freezing New York night, as the four of us sat tucked away from the cold in a Lower East...
Back from Africa
February 19, 2011
On the road, South Africa
Coming back to North America after having spent time in Africa is always a shock to the system. But with New York being the landing place, it becomes no less than an AED...
Cape Town's Cape Malay Quarter
February 15, 2011
Photoblogs, South Africa
As Marie and I are flying back from South Africa to New York via Dubai, here's a symphony of Cape Malay colors from a very unique part of Cape Town (Bo Kaap). More South...