I had meant to post more often about the running routes I’ve discovered but as always, time is running out (pardon the pun) – we are about to hit the road. But let’s see… The most memorable runs were the Good Faith Trail Run on the 12 Apostles and A Hot Morning Cruise Across Cape Point.
The 12 Apostles trail run was 18 km long and took 3:20 hrs, starting steeply above Llandudno, following the top of the Apostles on the back of Table Mountain, cutting across to the reservoirs, joining the jeep track, descending to the Constantia Nek, on to Cecilia and down the green belt. I called it the Good Faith run because I was afraid my strength might betray me somewhere around Judas Peak, a very steep and rather exposed climb on which I walked up, as with all other uphills, pacing myself for what unknown might lay ahead…
In Cape Point, I was dropped off by Marie all the way down at the final parking lot below the lighthouse and ran back north with the Cape of Good Hope at my left, pushing on across the long plateau to the junction to Olifantsbos where I indeed turned left and went on to the end of the road, a 20 km run on paved surface that took 2 hours flat, in an increasing heat that was rapidly nearing the forecast 29°C, but with fantastic scenery, memorable waves on the west coast, the fynbos everywhere and ostriches, bokkies and probably a Cape Cobra along the way. We then had a recovery picnic down by Bordjiesdrif Beach. Perfect.
I have come pretty close to running my 100 km in the last three weeks (96 km in fact), mostly on trails, and that makes me very happy as the summer was rather bad and I needed to get back on track. [End of bragging]
[Update: Besides, as it stands tonight, I have to cancel the morning bike ride (see below) because I seem to have injured my right quad. How I could have injured such a large and strong muscle and done so running rather slowly on an even and relatively flat road is beyond me. It just goes to show that training, despite all the joking and bragging, is a very serious and methodical thing and should be approached accordingly, or else.]
In the news, I have now foolishly signed up for the Cape Argus Pick ‘n Pay Cycle Tour on March 14th. It’s 108 km in total and is said to be the largest timed bicycle race in the world. 35,000 people of all sizes and shapes will be on the starting line. I won’t be racing, of course, just trying to finish. But the route is magnificent and I’ll be riding in the inspiring company of Marie’s father Henri, who at 77, still bikes the Argus every year. Hell, if Lance Armstrong can win a race on one testicle – and he might since he will be there – I should be able to at least finish mine with two. ;-)
But before that Marie and I are borrowing the Landcruiser for our beloved yearly road trip, destination Lesotho, a small circular mountain kingdom completely surrounded by South Africa. I’m afraid it is extremely poor but we hear it’s also very pretty. We’ll stop in the Karoo and many beautiful places along the way. There should be lots of pictures and stories to come. But be warned, this blog will be taking a break during our trip. Back in 2 weeks or so.
Until then, cool runnings!
Oh, and here are a few snapshots from the runs above…