As though providing a timely public announcement, the winter solstice just coated our city with a first sprinkle of snow, like a pâtissier sparingly dusting a cake in icing sugar—too much and it will be obvious, too little and they won’t buy it. I, too, am announcing a new format for this blog.

Shorter, frequent photos essays called Daily Snapshots.

Sure, I still love deeper storytelling and that will continue, time allowing and as stories come and go. But I shoot almost daily and want to start presenting flashes of that effort, like one would on social media, albeit under my own terms and format.

These posts will be brief, a single image at times, a few at most. Let the pictures and your imagination do the talking. I’ve created a new Daily Snapshot category in here that will host them but that’s mostly because of the almost clinical organizational structure of a blog, like drawers and filing cabinets full of content, neatly aligned and sorted in a thousand fluid ways. But this is on a need to know basis and you don’t need to know. 

I will also do my best to echo this output through my normal boring vrai-monde-où-l’on-s’ennuie social media channels, FB, IM and Vero.

Daily would be lovely, weekly acceptable—there’s a gargantuan supply of existing images already and more are born daily. We shall see if the resolve holds. The goal is to stop fussing about perfection and instead spit images out of the nest to teach them to fly.

Today, I give you a winter solstice first snow. I was up at that early morning hour the Spanish language beautifully calls la madrugada, that fleeting window before sunrise when everything is possible and a day’s prose could still drift into poetry. Moody, haunting, Gotham never truly sleeps.

Follow the Light
Christmas lights around the Vessel
Bella Abzug Park