A Vincent Mounier Photography Blog

New Panoramic Gallery
September 30, 2005
This new gallery is experimental and will need some tweaking, as well as new photographs. But it seems to work fine as long as you have Java installed and enabled on your browser (that's Sun Java, not to be confused with Javascript). Come and have a look at the 4 panoramas installed so far and please be patient initially as the images loading are anywhere between 150 and 500 Kb in size! 2009 update: the pano gallery is no longer available due to a major site redesi...
Have you stumbled upon something cool on the web, lately?
September 22, 2005
)arrow If you haven't, make sure to check out this idea: StumbleUpon is a - free - tool that lets you browse, review and share great webpages. It lets you select categories as a way of refining your tastes and interests, and tailors its results to you. You can associate with people sharing those tastes for even better results. When you find a page you really like, voting for it is as easy as a click; if the page hasn't been reviewed by a StumbleUpon user yet, you can wri...
Mission accomplie
September 1, 2005
Voilà, la deuxième édition des Aventures d'un GO désorganisé est achevée! Quelques erreurs de typo corrigées, une légère remise en page, ajout de deux cartes des régions visitées, une nouvelle couverture, mais le principal demeure. Un immense merci à mes deux correctrices dont la patience et l’expertise m’auront été d’un secours inégalable ! Mais êtes-vous certaines que « scandale » et « sandale » ne sont pas le même mot?
Deuxième édition
August 27, 2005
Mille remerciements à mes premiers lecteurs qui ont déniché quelques erreurs dans la première édition des Aventures d’un GO désorganisé. Je procède en ce moment à une mise à jour et la deuxième édition sera disponible d’ici quelques jours !
"Les aventures d'un GO désorganisé" self-published!
August 15, 2005
Well, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. More than ten years after I started writing it, my first book is finally available for purchase! It hasn't been easy, and after hitting a brick wall with classic publishers, I decided to turn to the self-publishing avenue. Of course this brings up new obstacles since I'm using a US based on-demand publishing service for a book that is written in French and intended for a French speaking audience. But such are the necess...